St. Vincent de Paul


 St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) is an international Catholic lay organization that leads women and men to grow spirituallyby offering service to the needy and suffering in our local area. 


Become a Vincentian!!
Informational Meeting
Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 7 PM
in the Multi-Purpose Room


Love Your Neighbor. Live Vincentian. 
Did you know that food insecurity and rental evictions are at an all-time high in North Fulton County?

Neighbors in need right outside of our parish walls call the St. Vincent de Paul assistance line on a daily basis, seeking help and hope.

St. Vincent de Paul Georgia has launched a recruiting campaign to grow our parish-based volunteers, known as Vincentians, in response to the growing need in our communities.  We are in great need of caseworkers, bilingual is a plus, in-take call volunteers, and other positions. Please consider donating of your time to help in our community.  We need you!

The mission of our organization is deeply rooted in the tradition of serving neighbors in need through personal relationships and direct aid offered with dignity and respect.

This call to serve will help fulfill your needs to be involved with a ministry that goes to the very heart of Christ’s teaching to love and care for all people.

Join our meetings

  • SVdP meets at the parish the first and third Thursday of the month at 7 PM.
  • Informational meeting: 9/19 at 7 PM in the Multi-Purpose Room

Come see what we're all about! 

Support St. Vincent de Paul Financially 
Here at St. Andrew, we have a collection for St. Vincent de Paul on the first full weekend of the month but you can donate anytime!
Click here to donate.


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