Online Giving
In addition to mailed Offertory envelopes that are provided to parishioners, St. Andrew Catholic Church offers an easy electronic option for making recurring or one time gifts to the parish. The benefits of signing up for Online Giving include:
- Easy account set-up
- Recurring giving option to reduce or eliminate the use of weekly envelopes
- Allows for easy giving to the Regular Offertory as well as all 2nd Collections
- Easy process to change your contribution levels or frequency as desired
- Flexibility to contribute via credit card or your banking partner
- Peace of mind with our secure payment processing system
Getting started is easy! Sign Up Today!
For Step by Step Instructions: Online Giving Sign Up Guide.
NOTE: Signing up for electronic giving does not automatically register you as a parishioner. If you would like to become a member of St. Andrew, please fill out and submit a parish registration form.