Ushering is an opportunity to serve God by serving His people, and is a marvelous way to actively and faithfully participate in the functioning of St. Andrew before, during and after Mass celebrations.
Members of this ministry welcome arriving members and guests to our services, assist with seating, carry the collections to the altar during the presentation of the gifts, direct the orderly flow of communicants to the altar, straighten the pews after the service, help in emergencies, and aid the clergy as needed. Greeters are asked to arrive 15 minutes before Mass.
Contact: Erich Durlacher,
New Training
A hospitality training for new and current volunteers serving in the Ushers Ministry and Welcome Ministry is scheduled for Friday, April 26 from 6-8 PM in the Multi-purpose Room. Dinner will be provided.
Please contact the ministry leader to confirm your assistance by Wednesday. 4/24. We are in need of new volunteers for both ministries. Prayerfully consider joining!