Mass Intentions and Mass Offerings

“Lay this body anywhere, and take no trouble over it. One thing only do I ask of you,
that you remember me at the altar of the Lord wherever you may be.”

These last words of St. Monica (d. 387) to her son, St. Augustine (d. 430), reflect a connection between the celebration of the Eucharist and our personal prayers for our loved ones that is as old as the Christian faith itself.

According to ancient custom, Catholics may offer a contribution to a priest and request an intention for a particular Mass (Canon 945–946).  This custom invites the faithful into a deeper celebration of the Eucharist by uniting their sacrifice with that of Christ.  It also helps compensate the church’s minister.  For this latter reason, this offering has also been called a “Mass Stipend.”

Formerly, the custom sustained a belief that the priest could direct the blessings of a Mass in a specific way. Recently the Church prefers to emphasize God’s action and the donor’s faith: The priest accepts the offering “according to particular intentions. And ”God directs the fruits of the Mass, which are infinite and universal, according to the devotion of the faithful.”

Because this custom promotes the active participation of the faithful in the celebration the Eucharist, the Mass intention makes more sense if the donor is actually present for the Mass, if possible, when celebrated.

The efficacy of a Mass intention does not depend upon the publication of the intention prior to the Mass or any specific announcement of the intention during the Mass itself.

At St. Andrew, we promote the offering of Masses on weekends or at daily Masses for the intentions of the deceased or the living. 

So that many parishioners may avail themselves of the graces of a Mass intention, we ask that no more than ten Masses be requested for the same intention in any one year.

Every effort is made to honor a Mass intention on the date and time promised. However, occasionally a priest’s illness or some other unforeseen circumstance will require the rescheduling of a Mass intention.  We will make every effort to notify the person requesting the Mass, with every hope that he/she will understand.

A typical Mass offering is $20. However, a Mass offering is a free-will gift to the priest, not a charge or a fee, and any amount is acceptable.

To request a Mass Intention, please visit the parish office or call us. 

PLEASE NOTE: A Mass intention will never be declined for lack of an offering.