Faith Formation is a life-long process, not just a class here and there that educates us in the mechanics and brief theology of the sacraments, and it is certainly not limited to children. While our Catholic faith is greatly enhanced through the beauty of the ritual of the sacraments, they are only part of who we are as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Our participation in the sacraments has little effect if we fail to nurture our relationship with Christ, and that requires that we spend time getting to know more about Him and His Church.
St. Andrew Catholic Church has Faith Formation programs for all ages. For contact information-- please visit each program's page.
We are currently enrolling for 2023-2024 Faith Formation classes
Our Faith Formation classes will begin on Sunday, August 27, 2023.
Classes will be held in-person with limited number of students per class.
Class Schedule: Sundays from 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM (grades 1-12)
We are hoping to have catechists in place early so we can optimize formation for the children of St. Andrew Parish. Please consider volunteering as a catechist for the upcoming year 2023-24. This is a rewarding ministry and an opportunity to share your faith with the children of our parish. We can offer training and to shadow seasoned catechist for those who volunteer early. As a catechist, your children will be able to attend Faith Formation tuition free. We need several new catechists before we start classes in August 2023.
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