Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Members of this special ministry are certified for a three year commission through training that allows the volunteer to assist our Priests and Deacons in distributing the precious Body and Blood of our Lord to fellow parishioners at Mass.  To be part of this ministry, you must be a practicing Catholic.

Additional Trainings

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may also be trained to take Holy Communion to our brothers and sisters who are physically unable to come to Mass.
  • An additional training can also be taken to serve as a Sacristan. 

Contact: Margaret O'Malley, margo.m.ward@gmail.com

Upcoming Training for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

A training will be held for those who need to be recertified or anyone who would like to be certified as Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion on Sunday, September 15 from 2-4 PM. Both trainings will be held in the Upper Room classroom.

To register for one of the two trainings, please email Margaret O’Malley at margo.m.ward@gmail.com.

Holy Communion to the Homebound
To request the visit of an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for a person who is homebound, in nursing care or sick, please contact the parish office at 770-641-9720.