
The Word of God proclaimed in the Liturgy is a living Word with power to nourish and transform both those who proclaim it and those who hear it.  In addition to being nourishing food for the soul, the Word in the liturgy is also a personal communication from God to His people:  "When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in His word, proclaims the Gospel" (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 29)

Proclaimers of the Word, then, lend their voices for this personal communication, preparing themselves with sincere humility, through prayer, study, and practice to faithfully convey to the people what God intends.  

As a Lector you are sharing the gift of your voice, your mind and your emotions to communicate God’s spiritual message, through scripture, to our parish family during the celebration of the Mass.  All are welcome to participate.

Contact: Ralph Trujillo, rgtrujillo@comcast.net, 770-594-0673