History of the Catholic Church in Georgia

Discover the rich and fascinating history of the Catholic Church in Georgia, spanning centuries of growth, perseverance, and faith. From its humble beginnings in the 16th century to the present day, the Catholic Church in Georgia has overcome challenges and thrived, shaping the lives of countless individuals and communities along the way.

Guest Speaker: Adam Tate PHD


When: Sunday, July 14 (one-time meeting)
Time: 11:15 AM to 12:45PM
Where: Family Center

Child care will be provided upon request ($5 per child to be paid at the door).

Coffee and water will be served.

Kindly RSVP by July 13 using the form below. 

Contact: AJ Cervantes at: ajcervantes@standrewcatholic.org or 770-641-9720 ext. 235

About the Speaker:

Adam Tate Ph.D. is a Professor of History and Chairs the Department of Humanities at Clayton State University. He has worked at Clayton State since 2004 in both teaching and administrative roles. He directed the University’s Honors Program from 2007-2013 and has served as chair of the department of humanities since 2015. Adam researches and writes primarily on the early nineteenth-century South.

Join Professor Tate to learn about our state’s fascinating history with all of its challenges!



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