Love, Forgiveness & Marital Intimacy


Friday, May 3 in the Family Center
from 6:30 - 9:30 PM
(Note change on time)

RSVP using the form below by Wednesday, May 1

We are to love God with all our hearts, with all our souls, and all our strength – – and our neighbors as ourselves.  But, surely my “neighbor” couldn't include my spouse!  What kinds of Christian love do we need to cultivate, or does love just kind of come like magic?  And finally, how does our mutual respect, compassion, understanding and forgiveness impact our marital intimacy? I thought "love means never having to say I'm sorry."  Yeah, right! 
Please consider coming to scratch the surface on these topics with a brief (25) minute talk, a question-and-answer period with a panel of married couples, dinner and dancing.  It should be a blast but, hopefully, without any fireworks.

Cost: $10 per couple:
- Includes dinner, dessert, beverages & dancing
- childcare available upon registration

Signup Form

Dinner will be provided. Please contact AJ Cervantes at ajcervantes@standrewcatholic.org if you are vegetarian and need a special type of meal.

After hitting "Submit" you will be redirected to our "Giving Page" so that you can pay $10 for the cost of this workshop.


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