United Families Ministry invites families and friends of St. Andrew for their first annual Christmas Nativity Play. The birth of the Savior of the World was absolutely crucial to our salvation. And yet, he came to Earth in a humble and quiet way. The baby Christ was a gift to us all. His story is part of our story as well. You can read the Nativity account in the Bible. The familiar verses of scripture tell about shepherds, angels, stables, and stars. Come see how scriptures come to life with this Nativity play open for all ages!
Be part of the story!
We are seeking 1 baby, children ages 6+ and adults to help with this play.
Participate as a cast member, set creator, usher, costume designer, etc.
Cast includes: Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds, king Herod, King’s advisor, three kings, Innkeepers, and baby Jesus.
Informational Meeting
Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 5 PM
in the Multi-purpose room
Other important dates:
Contact: Elizabeth Van Varick, lizvanvarick@gmail.com
Wish List
As we make this play a reality, we humbly ask for some materials to keep the costs low.
Drop off: At the front office of the church, with a note that reads: Christmas Play, Elizabeth Van Varick.
Donations due by: Monday, October 7th.
Click HERE to access our wish list. Please sign up if you plan to donate something.
We greatly appreciate your help!
If interested in forming part of the play crew or
for more information, please fill-out the form below.
We hope to see you at the informational meeting on Saturday, October 5.